Platelet function is influenced by the platelet thiol-disulfide balance. Platelet activation resulted in 440% increase in surface protein thiol groups. Two proteins that presented free thiol(s) on the activated platelet surface were protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) and glycoprotein 1balpha (GP1balpha). PDI contains two active site dithiols/disulfides. The active sites of 26% of the PDI on resting platelets was in the dithiol form, compared with 81% in the dithiol form on activated platelets. Similarly, GP1balpha presented one or more free thiols on the activated platelet surface but not on resting platelets. Anti-PDI antibodies increased the dissociation constant for binding of vWF to platelets by approximately 50% and PDI and GP1balpha were sufficiently close on the platelet surface to allow fluorescence resonance energy transfer between chromophores attached to PDI and GP1balpha. Incubation of resting platelets with anti-PDI antibodies followed by activation with thrombin enhanced labeling and binding of monoclonal antibodies to the N-terminal region of GP1balpha on the activated platelet surface. These observations indicated that platelet activation triggered reduction of the active site disulfides of PDI and a conformational change in GP1balpha that resulted in exposure of a free thiol(s).