The gas composition of the air cell in a shell egg is influenced by heating from egg washing and candling and the method of cooling and storage. This study found that N2 gas (-122 C), CO2 gas (-45 C), and cold air (-15 C) could be used to rapidly cool shell eggs from 47.7 C to 7 C in 30 min or less. These results suggest that the gas composition of the air cell in shell eggs can be significantly modified using N2 cooling and CO2 cooling. Commercial field studies have shown that these modifications, which take place during cryogenic cooling, can significantly reduce microbial levels and increase shelf life of shell eggs. Storage in a modified atmosphere environment further enhanced these changes. It was found that the CO2 concentration in the air cell of a shell egg can be increased from 0.04 to 48% by CO2 cooling and storage in a CO2 environment.