The Long-Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rat is a mutant strain characterized by abnormal copper metabolism and a high incidence of hepatitis and hepatoma. Using a yeast-based assay which scores mutants in p53 gene transcripts as red colonies, we detected frequent mutations in the liver of LEC rats. The majority (50-60%) of these were frameshift mutations caused by the insertion of an extra adenine (A) in the regions containing six consecutive adenines. The rate of A insertion was calculated to be 6.9-9.0% of the total p53 cDNA. Insertions of an extra adenine were found almost exclusively in the mRNA (cDNA), especially in the (A)(6) tract located at the most 5'-side (exon 4) among the three (A)(6) tracts (exons 4, 7, and 8), but rarely in the corresponding sites of genomic DNA. Wild-type p53 cDNA was transcribed in vitro into mRNA with the use of SP6 RNA polymerase and tested by the yeast functional assay. Subsequent sequencing detected A insertions at an overall rate of 1.6% in exons 7 and 8 but none in exon 4. This indicates that the A insertion in the exon 4 (A)(6) tract was an in vivo phenomenon rather than an artifact in reverse transcription or polymerase chain reaction. The percentage of red colonies increased sharply to about 20% of the liver samples in the acute hepatitis stage, and returned to control level of those in the chronic hepatitis stage, and increased again slightly to those in the neoplastic stage. The percentage of red colonies correlated with the serum GOT level (r=0.96, p<0.001) but not with the contents of copper and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in the liver of LEC rats. Ethanol treatment of hepatic cell lines also increased the rate of transcriptional slippage at the (A)(6) tract. These findings indicate that cellular damage is responsible for the increase in the rate of mutation at the transcriptional level, and suggest that cellular damage degrades transcriptional fidelity, thereby further impairing cellular functions.