Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine whether color Doppler or power Doppler sonography can aid in the diagnosis of hepatic cavernous hemangiomas.
Methods: We imaged 25 hepatic cavernous hemangiomas in 17 patients with gray-scale, color Doppler, and power Doppler sonography. Five malignant lesions were also imaged in the same manner for reference. Hemangiomas had been previously diagnosed by biopsy in 8 patients (15 lesions) and by CT, MRI, and/or tagged red blood cell scanning in 9 patients (10 lesions).
Results: Of the 25 hemangiomas, color or power Doppler imaging showed no internal blood flow in 23. Of these 23 lesions, 11 showed a peripheral flow pattern believed to represent flow in displaced blood vessels. This pattern was better visualized with power Doppler imaging in 3 lesions and equally well visualized with color and power Doppler imaging in 8 lesions. Two hemangiomas that had unusual central fibrosis with large vessels in 1 patient showed diffusely increased blood flow on power Doppler study. All 5 malignant lesions showed flow in peripheral vessels, and 1 showed internal vascularity as well.
Conclusions: Neither color nor power Doppler imaging improved the capability of sonography for making a specific diagnosis of benign hepatic cavernous hemangioma.
Copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.