Despite its potential clinical relevance, alpha(v)beta(3) expression has been analyzed only in a limited number of melanoma lesions, mostly nodular melanoma (NM) and superficial spreading melanoma (SSM). Therefore, in the present study, we have correlated alpha(v)beta(3) expression in 33 acral lentiginous melanomas (ALMs), 6 lentigo maligna melanomas, 7 mucosal melanomas, 12 NMs and 9 SSMs with their antigenic profile, with their histo-pathological characteristics and with the clinical course of the disease. Furthermore, we have compared alpha(v)beta(3) expression in ALM lesions with that in NM and SSM lesions since this information helps to clarify the relationship of the latter 2 histotypes with ALM. Such a relationship is uncertain since ALM has a clinical course similar to that of NM and SSM despite different antigenic profiles and biological characteristics. The level of alpha(v)beta(3) expression in primary lesions was not correlated with that of high-m. w. melanoma-associated antigen and intercellular adhesion molecule-1, with lesion thickness and with disease recurrence in ALM but was significantly correlated with these 4 parameters in the other melanoma histotypes analyzed. Therefore, alpha(v)beta(3) expression appears to have a differential clinical significance in ALM and in the other histotypes of melanoma we have analyzed since it appears to play a significant role in the progression of the disease only in non-ALM histotypes.
Copyright 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.