The split spinal cord malformation (SSCM) is an occult spinal dysraphism which causes tethering of the spinal cord. We performed a retrospective analysis of 15 patients who had split cord malformations (without associated open neural tube defect) who underwent both pre- and postoperative urodynamic studies (UDS) in order to determine if a significant percentage of these patients, even in the absence of overt urologic symptoms, had evidence of urologic dysfunction. Eleven patients presenting in early childhood and 4 patients presenting later in life are reviewed. Despite the lack of preoperative urologic symptoms in almost all patients, 73% of patients had voiding abnormalities on formal testing. UDS on these patients before and after surgery was a useful adjunct to perioperative management and decision making, helped define the success of surgery, and gave objective information for cases in which retethering was suspected.
Copyright 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel