Background: Immunohistochemical expression of the transcription factor Pax-8 in human thyroid diseases has never been investigated. The relationship between Pax-8, bcl-2 and p53 in thyroid neoplasms is also matter of interest.
Materials and methods: Seventy-three thyroid tissue samples were evaluated for the expression of Pax-8, p53 and bcl-2 using the immunoperoxidase technique. The series included 11 follicular adenomas, 11 goitres, 23 papillary carcinomas, 16 follicular carcinomas, 6 undifferentiated carcinomas and 6 medullary carcinomas.
Results: The percentage of Pax-8 positive cells ranged from 14.9 to 27.1% and 10.1 to 39% in goitres and follicular adenomas, respectively. Among differentiated carcinomas, follicular histotype showed a Pax-8 immunoreactivity ranging from 0 to 26.5% of the neoplastic cells whereas in papillary carcinomas the percentage of positive cells ranged from 0 to 16.8%. None out of the six undifferentiated carcinomas showed Pax-8 immunoreactivity. The same negative pattern was noticed in medullary carcinomas. A statistically significant difference in Pax-8 expression was observed between non-malignant and malignant diseases (p < 0.0001). A different reactivity for Pax-8 was also noticed between differentiated carcinomas and undifferentiated carcinomas (p = 0.07). None of the benign tissues stained for p53 whereas among malignant specimens different percentages of p53 expression were observed with all undifferentiated carcinomas expressing the highest positivity (range 24.1-88.6%). Finally, when a combined analysis of bcl-2 and Pax-8 reactivity was carried out, some carcinomas proved to be Pax-8 negative and bcl-2 positive whereas others showed a similar immunoreactive pattern for both Pax-8 and bcl-2.
Conclusions: Pax-8 is mainly expressed in benign rather than in malignant thyroid diseases and, among neoplasms, differentiated carcinomas express Pax-8 more frequently than undifferentiated carcinomas. An inverse pattern was observed for p53. Bcl-2 seems to be partially related to Pax-8 expression. However, a Pax-8 independent bcl-2 expression is also evident.