Transforming growth factor alpha (TGFalpha) is widely expressed in malignant as well as normal cells and is involved in regulating cell growth and differentiation. Although processing of TGFalpha has been extensively studied in normal cells, there is little information regarding TGFalpha cleavage in malignant cells. Therefore, we compared the processing of TGFalpha in two human colon carcinoma cell lines. We found that there was a defective cleavage pattern for the TGFalpha precursor resulting in retention of partially processed TGFalpha on the cell surface of both the HCT116a2alphaS3 and CBS4alphaS2 cell lines. This raised the possibility that signaling from the resulting defective cleavage species could differ from that of soluble TGFalpha. The membrane-associated TGFalpha induced higher phosphorylation of EGFR on the cell surface of adjacent cells than equivalent levels of mature TGFalpha. The interaction of membrane bound TGFalpha precursor with the EGFR caused a slower internalization of activated EGFR relative to the internalization of the soluble TGFalpha/EGFR complexes. In addition, the tethered TGFalpha was resistant to the ability of protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) to reduce EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation, also contributing to higher activation of EGFR. The enhanced activation of EGFR by the tethered form of TGFalpha was reflected by higher activation of Grb2, SHC and Erk downstream mediators of EGF receptor signaling. The higher activation of EGFR by membrane tethered TGFalpha indicates that defective TGFalpha processing provides a mechanism whereby malignant cells can obtain a growth advantage over normal cells.