Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a frequent hereditary disorder that involves tissues derived from the embryonic neural crest. Besides the functional gene on chromosome arm 17q, NF1-related sequences (pseudogenes) are present on a number of chromosomes including 2, 12, 14, 15, 18, 21, and 22. We elucidated the complete nucleotide sequence of the NF1 pseudogene on chromosome 22. Only the middle part of the functional gene but not exons 21-27a, encoding the functionally important GAP-related domain of the NF1 protein, is presented in this pseudogene. In addition to the two known NF1 pseudogenes on chromosome 14 we identified two novel variants. A phylogenetic tree was constructed, from which we concluded that the NF1 pseudogenes on chromosomes 2, 14, and 22 are closely related to each other. Clones containing one of these pseudogenes cross-hybridised with the other pseudogenes in this subset, but did not reveal any in situ hybridisation with the functional NF1 gene or with NF1 pseudogenes on other chromosomes. This suggests that their hybridisation specificity is mainly determined by homologous sequences flanking the pseudogenes. Strong support for this concept was obtained by sequence analysis of the flanking regions, which revealed more than 95% homology. We hypothesise that during evolution this subset of NF1 pseudogenes initially arose by duplication and transposition of the middle part of the functional NF1 gene to chromosome 2. Subsequently, a much larger fragment, including flanking sequences, was duplicated and gave rise to the current NF1 pseudogene copies on chromosomes 14 and 22.