Objectives: To analyze the patient's point of view concerning pregnancy termination for fetal anomaly.
Methods: A questionnaire concerning the different steps of medical termination of pregnancy was given to 103 women on day 2 after termination.
Results: Most women thought that they were the ones who should make the decision (67%). Complete information prior to the procedure was greatly appreciated (81%). Physical pain remained one of the main concerns for patients given Dilapan. 94% of the women had epidural anesthesia before induction. Various mourning patterns were observed. Only 41% of the women wished to see their baby after termination; there was a correlation with age of pregnancy and social environment. Psychological assistance involved the entire team and a consultation with a pedopsychiatrist (81%). The most painful moment was the moment when breaking the new of the fetal anomaly.
Conclusion: The women were very much in need of expressing their sorrow very soon after the event. Team work and lack of rigidity in care taking enhances the expression of individual resources, both by the medical team and the patients. Three points were highlighted by the patients.--the desire to participate in the decision making;--the importance of in-depth information on technical aspects of the procedure;--initial new breaking is recognized as a major trauma.