Objectives: To assess the effects of cardiopulmonary baroreceptors on the haemodynamics of the humeral and common carotid arteries in patients suffering from peripheral artery disease (PAD) and to discover whether the stimulation of these receptors modifies the cutaneous microcirculation in the forearm.
Design: We studied a group of patients suffering from peripheral artery disease and two groups as controls.
Setting: Patients were examined at the ambulatory for Vascular Research, Division of Vascular Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Verona.
Patients: We studied 15 patients with peripheral artery disease of the lower limbs at Fontaine stage II (group C), 10 free of arterial pathologies (group B) and 10 young people (group A).
Main outcome measures: We subjected the patients to passive elevation of the legs and the trunk in a horizontal position with pressure monitoring and measurement of the calibre and flow in the brachial and common carotid arteries using a colourDoppler ultrasound. We also studied the cutaneous microcirculation with laserDoppler flowmetry.
Results: During the test, arterial pressure and cardiac frequency remained constant in group A, systolic pressure values showed a slight, but statistically significant increase in group B, whilst the increase in systolic pressure values at this stage was marked in group C. Diastolic pressure values and cardiac frequency remained unchanged in all groups. The calibre of the humeral artery increased in the control groups. Carotid resistance was unchanged in the three groups. Humeral resistance during the test decreased in the two control groups whilst it increased in group C. The number of perfusion units felt in the control groups; no variations in group C.
Conclusions: Our study demonstrates, in patients with peripheral artery disease, a reduction in the activity of the cardiopulmonary baroreceptors with an increase in the humeral resistance during the test and impairment of the mechanisms of cutaneous microcirculatory vasoregulation in the forearm.