Purpose: Stress urinary incontinence is a common disease with a devastating impact on patient quality of life. Needle suspension procedures, which produce disappointing long-term results for type II stress incontinence, are being replaced by pubovaginal slings which previously were reserved solely for the treatment of type III stress incontinence. We report the long-term outcomes of pubovaginal slings for the treatment of types II and III stress urinary incontinence, and assess its quality of life impact.
Materials and methods: From January 1993 until December 1996, 247 females 10 to 84 years old (mean age 54.5) with type II (54%) or III (46%) stress urinary incontinence diagnosed by fluoroscopic urodynamics received a pubovaginal sling. Concomitant urge incontinence was present in 109 patients (44%). Quality of life was assessed with the Urogenital Distress Inventory short form.
Results: At a mean followup of 51 months (range 22 to 68) the continence rates were 88% overall, 91% for type II and 84% for type III. Preoperative urge incontinence resolved in 81 of 109 patients (74%), while de novo urge incontinence developed in 10 (7%). Intermittent urethral catheterization duration averaged 8.4 days, with 5 women undergoing urethrolysis for a hypersuspended urethra. Secondary procedures were required in 9 patients with type II and 5 with type III incontinence, and included transurethral collagen injections in 6 and repeat pubovaginal slings in 8. There was a 4% complication rate due to pelvic hematoma in 2 cases, incisional hernia in 2, deep venous thrombosis in 1 and pulmonary embolus in 1. Of the 247 patients 235 (95%) completed the quality of life questionnaire with 92% reporting a high degree of satisfaction with low (less than 20 of 100 points) symptom distress scores.
Conclusions: Pubovaginal slings are effective and durable, and significantly improve quality of life in patients with types II and III stress urinary incontinence.