Although there has been progress in understanding the initial steps in the formation of synapses, less is known about their subsequent maturation (Sanes and Lichtman, 1999). Two alterations on the postsynaptic side of the mammalian neuromuscular junction occur during early postnatal life: acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) disappear from parts of the developing junction as all but one axonal inputs are removed, and the topography of the postsynaptic membrane becomes more complicated as gutters and folds are established. We have studied the maturation of the AChR distribution and postsynaptic topography simultaneously by imaging labeled AChRs at the mouse neuromuscular junction in a new way, using reflected light confocal microscopy. At birth postsynaptic receptors were localized in irregular patches within a spoon-shaped plaque. Beginning several days later, receptor regions within a single endplate were divided into differentiated and less organized compartments. Folds generally oriented orthogonal to the long axis of the muscle fiber were seen in developing gutters, although the orientation of the gutters seemed to be imposed by the branching pattern of the nerve. Eventually, superficial regions lacking AChR labeling were apparent in all junctions. In junctions denervated in the neonatal period both gutter formation and the disappearance of superficial receptors regions were prevented. We suggest that tension between growing muscle fibers and the relatively inelastic synaptic terminals that adhere to them causes the topographic features of the postsynaptic membrane. This view provides a mechanical explanation for gutters, folds, and the location of folds at sites of neurotransmitter release.