Objective: To study the clinical features and management of borderline ovarian tumor (BOT).
Methods: Retrospectively study 70 cases of BOT.
Results: Age 16-76 years old, average 45.6 year old; histological type: mucinous 46(65.7%), serous 21(30%); stage: I 46 (65.7%), II 1(1.4%), III 11(15.7%), IV 0%, relapse 12(17.1%). Tumor marker: elevated CA125 11/21, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) 6/10.
Treatment: all patients were operated, 45 were given adjuvant therapy.
Outcome: No evidence of disease (NED) 45, with evidence of disease (WED) 4, died of disease (DOD) 11, died of intercurrent disease (DID) 10. 11 patients who were given conservative surgery were NED, there were 2 long term CR among 16 patients with residual disease who were given adjuvant treatment. The 5, 10, 20 and 30-year survival is 90.0%, 87.1%, 87.1% and 85.6% respectively. COX hazard regression model analysis showed that histological type (r = 24.825), stage (r = 2.236) and residual disease (r = 2.083) were the main factors which impact on the prognosis of BOT.
Conclusions: (1) The proportion of mucinous tumor is higher than that of serous tumor in this group; (2) Surgery is the proved only effective treatment of BOT till now, without any residual disease is expected; (3) Adjuvant therapy can't improve the prognosis of BOT; (4) CA125 and CEA can be two effective tumor markers in monitoring of BOT.