Objectives: To correlate the sonographic features of experimentally-induced obstructive sialadenitis in rat submandibular glands with the histopathological changes.
Materials and methods: Changes in sonograms of ligated and non-ligated rat submandibular glands were compared with the wet weight and histopathology. Sonograms were obtained at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 21 days after duct ligation at 13 and 14 MHz for B-mode and for power Doppler mode respectively. Changes in gland size, echo intensity, distribution of internal echoes and vascularity were evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Results: Changes in size of the ligated glands were very similar to changes in wet weight. The ligated glands showed lower echo intensity than the non-ligated glands. The ligated glands showed higher echo intensity in the central portion at 4-7 days after duct ligation which resulted in heterogeneity of the glands. Vascularity of the ligated glands increased in the acute phase, and then decreased to the level of the non-ligated glands.
Conclusions: The three phases in the changes in ligated glands identifiable histopathologically can be differentiated by B-mode sonography. Power Doppler can differentiate the acute phase. Sonography therefore appears useful for the diagnosis of the degree of gland damage.