Although it is generally accepted that relatively high efficiencies of somatic cell cloning in mammals can be achieved by using donor cells from the female reproductive system (e.g., cumulus/granulosa, oviduct, and mammary gland cells), there is little information on the possibility of using male-specific somatic cells as donor cells. In this study we injected the nucleus of immature mouse Sertoli cells isolated from the testes of newborn (Days 3-10) males into enucleated mature oocytes in order to examine the ability of their nuclei to support embryonic development. After activation of the oocytes that had received the freshly recovered immature Sertoli cells, some developed into the morula/blastocyst stage, depending on the age of the donor cells (22.0-37.4%). When transferred into pseudopregnant females, 7 (3.3%, 7 of 215) developed into normal pups at term. Nuclear transfer of immature Sertoli cells after 1 wk in culture also produced normal pups after embryo transfer (3.1%, 2 of 65). Even after cryopreservation in a conventional cryoprotectant solution, their ability as donor cells was maintained, as demonstrated by the birth of cloned young (6.7%, 7 of 105). Immature Sertoli cells transfected with green fluorescent protein gene also supported embryo development into morulae/blastocysts, which showed specific fluorescence. This study demonstrates that immature Sertoli cells, male-specific somatic cells, are potential donors for somatic cell cloning.