The present study was designed to localize zinc-enriched (ZEN) terminals in mouse olfactory bulb by means of ZnT3 immunocytochemistry (ICC) and zinc autometallography (AMG). The immunocytochemical staining of ZnT3 was closely correlated with the AMG pattern. ZEN terminals were defined as terminals showing both ZnT3 immunoreactivities and AMG granules. At the light microscopic level, dense staining patterns for ZnT3 immunoreactivity were seen in the granule cell layer and the olfactory glomerular layer. At the ultrastructural level, ZEN terminals were restricted to presynaptic terminals with single or multiple postsynaptic thickenings. The postsynaptic profiles contacting ZEN terminals appeared to be dendrites or somata of granule cells in the granule cell layer and periglomerular cells and mitral/tufted (M/T) cells in the olfactory glomerular layer. This suggests that two main sources of ZEN terminals are present in mouse olfactory bulb: (1) centrifugal fibres making asymmetrical synapses with granule cells and periglomerular cells, and (2) olfactory receptor terminals contacting dendritic profiles of M/T cells or periglomerular cells. The close correlation between ZEN terminals and the glutamatergic system is discussed.