The Pseudomonas aeruginosa serogroup O11 strain PA103 O antigen gene locus consists of 11 genes designated wzz, wzx, wbjA, wzy, wbjB-F, wbpL, and wbpM. The distribution of each of these genes amongst the 20 P. aeruginosa international antigenic typing system (IATS) serogroups was analyzed by Southern blot. As shown previously, wbpM was present in all 20 serogroups. The remaining O11 O antigen genes, with the exception of wzy, were present in the serogroup O17 strain IATSO17, despite the structural unrelatedness of the O11 and O17 O antigens. Sequencing revealed the presence of a cryptic serogroup O11 locus in the IATSO17 interrupted by two copies of a 1.1-kb insertion element. Introduction of plasmid pLPS2, containing the complete O11 O antigen locus from strain PA103, into IATSO17 resulted in production of both the O11 and O17 O antigens. The results of insertional inactivation of wbpM in IATSO17 are discussed.