Normal channel catfish leukocytes readily undergo spontaneous in vitro immortalization yielding functionally active diploid cell lines. Since telomerase activation appears to be a critical step in the establishment of immortal mammalian cells, studies were undertaken to determine if and when telomerase expression occurs during the in vitro immortalization process of channel catfish leukocytes. To this end, freshly isolated peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) from normal fish were shown to exhibit low to undetectable levels of telomerase activity and within four days after culture initiation showed dramatic increases in telomerase activity which typically remained high for at least four weeks. This activity then declined, concomitant with decreases in cellular proliferation and increases in cell death. Cells which escaped this culture "crisis" re-expressed high levels of telomerase activity indefinitely. Although telomerase activity was expressed early in the immortalization process, clonal cell lines derived from these cultures had relatively short telomeres. These results suggest that telomerase expression in catfish leukocytes is activation-induced, and its expression does not necessarily stabilize telomere length until a critically, albeit ill-defined, short length is reached.