Previously we have demonstrated a reciprocal deregulation of various homeobox genes (HOXB6, B8, C8 and C9 vs Cdx-1) in human colorectal cancer (CRC). In the present study, using RT-PCR, we have investigated the expression pattern of these homeobox genes in various human colon cell lines, representing various stages of colon cancer progression and differentiation. Thus, we have tested polyposis coli Pc/AA adenoma cells, Caco-2, HT-29 and LS174T adenocarcinoma cell lines. All cell lines, except LS174T, demonstrated a pattern of deregulated homeobox gene expression which resembled that of CRC. In contrast, the pattern of expression of these genes in the highly oncogenic LS174T cells, as well as in Caco-2 cells transfected with activated Ha-ras or Polyoma middle T oncogene, resembled that of the normal mucosa. The reciprocal deregulation of HOX and Cdx-1 genes in CRC and in CRC-derived cell lines suggests a possible role in human CRC development.
Copyright 2000 Academic Press.