Aim: To characterize peculiarities of arterial hypertension course in citizens of sieged Leningrad.
Materials and methods: 2000 case records of hypertensive patients treated in 6 hospitals of sieged Leningrad have been analysed.
Results: Arterial hypertension (AH) was verified as the basic disease in 69 cases. Of them, only 47 patients were eligible for analysis. Mean age of the patients was 45 years. AH duration before hospitalization was less than 1 year in 35% of the cases. Hypertensive crises, hypertensive angiopathy, cerebral atherosclerosis, cardiac hypertrophy were documented in 25, 15, 15 and 64% of the cases, respectively. In hospital, no specific antihypertensive therapy was given. At the discharge, systolic blood pressure decreased significantly, diastolic blood pressure decreased insignificantly.
Conclusion: Clinical data evidence for rapid affection of target organs in hypertensive subjects exposed to unfavourable conditions of the war time.