A specific stain using violet polymethine dye (VPM stain) for megakaryocytes was first developed by Kass (1995). We have modified this method for practical use in bone marrow specimens. The modified VPM stain labels megakaryocytes very well, while other marrow cells are poorly colorized. This staining procedure was more stable, and its color intensity was finer and clearer than the original. Using this stain, morphologic classification of megakaryocytes in bone marrow specimens from 11 normal and 8 myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients was performed. Many megakaryocytes observed in MDS patients were juvenile compared with normal subjects according to their morphology. Blasts from acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (M7) and from a megakaryoblastic cell line (Mo7e) were also clearly stained with our method. This staining method is practical and very useful for rapid identification of megakaryocyte distribution and morphology.