Saturation currents and collection efficiencies in ionization chambers exposed to pulsed megavoltage photon and electron beams are determined assuming a linear relationship between 1/I and 1/V in the extreme near-saturation region, with I and V the chamber current and polarizing voltage, respectively. Careful measurements of chamber current against polarizing voltage in the extreme near-saturation region reveal a current rising faster than that predicted by the linear relationship. This excess current combined with conventional "two-voltage" technique for determination of collection efficiency may result in an up to 0.7% overestimate of the saturation current for standard radiation field sizes of 10X10 cm2. The measured excess current is attributed to charge multiplication in the chamber air volume and to radiation-induced conductivity in the stem of the chamber (stem effect). These effects may be accounted for by an exponential term used in conjunction with Boag's equation for collection efficiency in pulsed beams. The semiempirical model follows the experimental data well and accounts for both the charge recombination as well as for the charge multiplication effects and the chamber stem effect.