Hypothesis: Transmural invasion of the trachea by well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas is a locally advanced disease condition. It frequently causes deaths owing to airway obstruction. We hypothesized that resection of the invaded trachea followed by primary anastomosis provides the opportunity for cure.
Design: A retrospective review study of medical records.
Setting: The surgical department of a tertiary referral center.
Patients: Eight patients with well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas, complicated with tracheal invasion resulting in bleeding and airway obstruction, operated on by tracheal resection and immediate anastomosis, were included.
Interventions: All patients received total thyroidectomy and neck lymph node dissection as well as segmental tracheal resection followed by primary reconstruction. Postoperative radioactive sodium iodine I 131 treatment and suppression therapy with thyroxine were applied to all of them.
Main outcome measure: Postoperative follow-up of serum levels of human thyroglobulin and abnormal radioactive iodine 131I from whole body scan.
Results: Seven patients are alive. Of these patients, 5 had no evidence of disease: (3 had no evidence of cancer for more than 10 years' follow-up), 2 had regional lymph node metastasis, and 1 had lung metastases. The remaining patient had anastomotic site recurrence with airway obstruction and needed tracheostomy to relieve stridor. She was lost to follow-up 39 months after undergoing the initial operation.
Conclusions: Patients with mucosal invasion of the trachea by well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas should be treated by surgical resection followed by primary reconstruction when technically feasible. This facilitates postoperative care, and it is possible to achieve long-term survival with improvement of the quality of life and possible cures.