For the first time, 3, 7 and 10 days growth of normal thyroid follicular FRTL-5 cell colonies in a semi-solid medium of 0.6% methocel over 1% agar base was morphometrically analyzed. It was found that the areas of FRTL-5 colonies as well as their perimeters and maximum diameters increased, while according to their form factors the FRTL-5 colonies were regular in shape. After 10 days in a semi-solid medium, 83% of the FRTL-5 colonies had maximum diameters greater than 50 microm. It is obvious that after long culturing of FRTL-5 cells under the influence of the pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) these cells are not uniform anymore and that they grow in a semi-solid medium.