Objectives: The aim of the study was estimation of the influence of computer supervision of delivery on the way of medical management during partus.
Materials and methods: Authors analyzed 10,983 labours which took place in years 1990-1999 in University Clinic of Reproduction and Obstetrics of Medical Academy in Wrocław. Cases of labours without computer monitoring was the first analyzed group, and the cases of computer monitoring deliveries was the second group. In both groups, the count of cesarean sections performed because of first symptoms of fetal asphyxia, and Apgar score gained by newborns, were taken into consideration.
Results and conclusions: The frequency of cesarean sections and neonatal Apgar score gained by newborns were compared in two characterized group in order to evaluation the influence of computer monitoring deliveries on the neonatal status. No impact of computer supervision on the way of delivery procedures, quality of work and neonatals state was observed.