Background and objective: MS-2 fibrosarcoma implanted in BALB-CDF1 mice was investigated by frequency and time domain measurements of the autofluorescence (AF) radiation emitted upon excitation by a N(2) laser beam (337.1 nm).
Study design/materials and methods: AF spectra were obtained by using a spectrograph, a multichannel plate and an optical multichannel analyzer for the steady state detection. Time-resolved spectra were performed by means of a monochromator, a photomultiplier, and a digital signal analyzer.
Results: Spectral measurements show that the autofluorescence intensity of pathologic tissue is lower than that of healthy one in the 400- to 500- spectral region. In the same spectral range, we found the fluorescence decay to be the sum of a fast and a slow component. The lifetime of the fast component of tumoral tissue is significantly lower than that of healthy samples.
Conclusion: Frequency and time domain measurements used in combination show that MS2-fibrosarcoma is characterized by the probable presence of the free form of NADH.
Copyright 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.