In this study, a modular concept for NMR hybrid imaging is presented. This concept essentially integrates different imaging modules in a sequential fashion and is therefore called CAT (combined acquisition technique). CAT is not a single specific measurement sequence, but rather a sequence design concept whereby distinct acquisition techniques with varying imaging parameters are employed in rapid succession in order to cover k-space. The power of the CAT approach is that it provides a high flexibility toward the acquisition optimization with respect to the available imaging time and the desired image quality. Important CAT sequence optimization steps include the appropriate choice of the k-space coverage ratio and the application of mixed bandwidth technology. Details of both the CAT methodology and possible CAT acquisition strategies, such as FLASH/EPI-, RARE/EPI- and FLASH/BURST-CAT are provided. Examples from imaging experiments in phantoms and healthy volunteers including mixed bandwidth acquisitions are provided to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed CAT concept.