The University of Manchester Medical School has adopted problem-based learning as its main educational method, with a change of emphasis from a biomedical to a biopsychosocial approach. The training of junior medical students in clinical interviewing is intended to reinforce and develop their interpersonal skills. We measured the impact of this new curriculum by assessing two intakes of students covering the period before and after its introduction; a third intake was later added to examine the effect of further curriculum adjustments. 86 students, randomly selected, were videorecorded conducting diagnostic interviews with standardized patients 10 weeks after they had started to learn clinical interviewing. Two instruments were developed--a 23-item communication skills scale and a 13-item information-gathering scale and both showed acceptable inter-rater and test-retest reliability. Communication skills did not differ between years. The total score for information-gathering fell by 13% (95% confidence interval -20 to -6%, P < 0.001) in the first year after introduction of the new educational approach but returned to baseline the following year after further modification of the course. Although the new approach yielded no measurable improvement in the process of communication, assessment 10 weeks after the start of interview training may be too early to permit definitive conclusions. We conclude that it is possible to change to a more patient-centred emphasis in teaching medical interviewing. Some initial loss of information content was rectified by adjustment of the course. Our unfavourable early experience highlights the need to evaluate educational change.