The technique of vaso-occlusion (or embolisation) consists in occluding one or several vessels which are causing haemoptysis. Either of the pulmonary circulations (systemic bronchial or pulmonary) may be the cause and sometimes both are. In systemic pulmonary hypervascularization the pathological issues are affected by high pressure vascularisation at the expense of functional vascularisation and are the source of frequent episodes of bleeding. Bronchial and systemic vaso-occlusion has proven efficacy and safety on condition that strict rules are respected to avoid complications; the detection of potentially dangerous arteries (spinal, coronary and visceral) and a choice of material for embolisation which is adapted to the therapeutic strategy and the clinical and angiographic presentation. The indications for the procedure are dictated by severe or recurrent haemoptysis. Vaso-occlusion of pulmonary arteries which is a rarer indication dominated by conditions such as arteriovenous malformation (MAVP). The technique is adapted to the number, to the size and to the diffusion of MAVP which is characterised precisely by computed tomography. Vaso-occlusion is the treatment of first choice for MAVP only leaving failures of vaso-occlusion to surgery and certain pedicular forms have a very short afferent of large calibre.