Objective: To study the phenomenon of biomineralization in an experimental model of lithogenesis by percutaneous renal punction without laparotomy and no antibiotics.
Methods/results: The study comprised 4 Brown-Norway rats. Nanobacteria inoculum (X, 2X and 4X) was administered to three rats and the remaining one was used as control. The analytical and radiological findings showing the development of obstructive pyelocaliceal lithiasis in the kidneys of rats no. 2 and 3 are presented.
Conclusions: Translumbar percutaneous renal puncture has permitted performing laparotoy without antibiotic coverage, which was the main difficulty of the experimental model of lithogenesis. Nanobacteria were cultured successfully, but not without difficulty, and formation of calculi in the rat pyelocaliceal system was achieved. This experimental model will provide further insight into lithogenesis and will allow us to find the answers to some of the many questions concerning this condition that remain.