Background and objective: Psychological problems in children and parents related to children's atopic eczema (AE) may impede the success of treatment. We studied the question, if behavior-based parental education in groups (DPE) or standardized video-education (VPE) could enhance dermatological treatment effects and reduce skin-damaging behaviors in children and stress in their mothers.
Patients/methods: 47 mothers attending the university outpatient-clinic for dermatology and their AE-children (mean age 4 years) participated in the study. 18 mothers underwent the DPE (10 sessions), 15 mothers worked with VPE at home. Dermatological standard treatment (CG; N = 14) served as control for a 16-weeks-evaluation-period.
Results: AE-symptoms improved overall, but the effectiveness of the treatments differed significantly, improval with parent education and was best with VPE. Psychological problems of mothers were equally reduced with DPE and VPE.
Conclusions: It is suggested that VPE is a cost effective and less time consuming method for supporting dermatological therapy of AE in children.