Background: The infiltration of epithelium by CD8+ T lymphocytes in human renal or liver allografts is a critical feature of acute rejection. CD103 expression can be acquired in vitro by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes in response to allogeneic renal epithelial cells and promotes their adhesion to epithelium and subsequent lysis of epithelial cells. We investigated the expression of CD103 in T-cell infiltrates during acute renal or liver rejection (grade < III).
Methods: Immunohistochemical detection of CD103 in 11 liver and 10 kidney transplant biopsies with histopathological diagnosis of acute rejection.
Results: None of the infiltrates expressed detectable CD103, although positive controls were stained under our conditions.
Conclusions: Failure to detect CD103 in renal biopsies can be related to the early posttransplantation interval (<6 months) corresponding to a first rejection episode. In our hands, immunohistological detection of CD103 was not possible in the infiltrates of acute rejection in liver or kidney transplantation.