Despite refinements in burn shock resuscitation, improvements in surgical techniques, advances in intensive care medicine and the presence of very expert surgeons, the treatement of patients with severe burns exceeding 60% TBSA remains a big challenge. A major problem in the treatment of severe burn injuries is the lack of autologous skin. In selected cases cultured epidermal autograft (CEA) may be used. However, they are available only 2-3 weeks after biopsy, thus requiring a temporary wound closure after necrosectomy. A new option is Integra(TM), an artificial skin consisting of a bilayer membrane system. The three-dimensional porous matrix from bovine tendon collagen and a glycosaminoglycan layer is covered by a silicon sheet. The latter prevents fluid loss from the wounds and serves as a barrier against germ invasion. After adequate vascularisation of the dermal template, the silicon layer is removed and replaced by a thin autograft. We present a 26-year old male who sustained a 93% TBSA burn injury (60% full-thickness burn, 33% partial-thickness burn). He was treated with artificial skin, split-thickness autograft and CEA in combination. The clinical history and the follow-up of approx. 1 year are presented and the results discussed. We consider the survival of this patient being a result of the therapeutic progress of the recent decades.