X-ray intensity patterns from finite perfect crystals

Acta Crystallogr A. 1999 Nov 1;55(Pt 6):1000-1013. doi: 10.1107/s0108767399007667.


A theoretical study dealing with intensity interference patterns from the exit surfaces of finite perfect t x l crystals has been undertaken using the Takagi-Taupin equations and the Riemann-Green technique. Nu-meri-cal simulations have been performed for the 220 reflection in diamond allowing for different types of amplitude-modulated incoming plane waves. The effects caused by limiting the waves by a slit system are also discussed. The results show strong influence of the lateral crystal boundaries and are closely related to the geometrical region structures formed by the characteristic lines associated with the equations. In the limit of a semi-infinite crystal, the Borrmann-Lehmann interference patterns are retrieved.