Objective: To evaluate the overall cytologic characteristics of diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) specimens in search of features that could be useful in cytologic diagnosis.
Study design: We evaluated BAL samples from patients with DAD obtained simultaneously with transbronchial biopsies (n = 8) or open lung biopsies (n = 2) or within 24 hours of autopsy (n = 2). The material was processed routinely for cytologic and histologic evaluation.
Results: The smears were moderately to highly cellular. All cases had large numbers of alveolar macrophages and/or desquamated alveolar cells. The epithelial component displayed various degrees of nuclear atypia. Some epithelial clusters were three-dimensional, with peripheral cells showing clear cytoplasm, protruding outwards and resembling hobnails. Other aggregates appeared two-dimensional, as sheets of cells with flattened and dense cytoplasm (squamotized). Both types of cell clusters were often associated with dense, basophilic or amphophilic, amorphous extracellular material. Counterparts of all the cytologic features were observed in the histologic material, including atypia of the alveolar lining with hobnailing, squamotization, amorphous extracellular material and hyaline membranes.
Conclusion: The cytologic features of BAL represent a constellation of alveolar cell injury. Based on these features, DAD can be correctly diagnosed or suggested in BAL samples in the appropriate clinical setting.