Field-grown citrus trees often harbor complex mixtures of 4-5 different viroid species, and the presence of citrus viroid III (CVd-III) has been shown to reduce the rate of tree growth without inducing disease. To more fully define the structure of its quasi-species, we have examined nine citrus viroid complexes for the presence of previously undescribed sequence variants of CVd-III. Analysis of 86 full-length cDNAs generated from these nine viroid complexes by RT-PCR revealed the presence of 20 new CVd-III variants. Chain lengths ranged from 293-297 nucleotides, and sequence changes were confined largely to the lower portions of the central conserved region and variable domain. The previously described variants CVd-IIIa (297 nt) and CVd-IIIb (294 nt) were clearly predominant, but phylogenetic analysis indicated that certain isolates may contain representatives of two additional fitness peaks. At least one group of CVd-III variants appears to have arisen as a result of RNA recombination. Populations recovered from diseased/declining trees were the most diverse, but even dwarfing isolates originating from old line Shamouti trees showed considerable variability.