A physical map internal to the markers DXS1368 and DXS228 was developed for the p11.4 region of the human X chromosome. Twenty-four BACs and 10 PACs with an average insert size of 149 kb were aligned to form a contig across an estimated 1.4 Mb of DNA. This contig, which has on average fourfold clone coverage, was assembled by STS and EST content analysis using 46 markers, including 8 ESTs, two retinally expressed genes, and 22 new STSs developed from BAC- and PAC-derived DNA sequence. The average intermarker distance was 30 kb. This physical map provides resources for high-resolution mapping as well as suitable clones for large-scale sequencing efforts in Xp11.4, a region known to contain the gene for complete X-linked congenital stationary night blindness.
Copyright 2000 Academic Press.