Purpose: To investigate the incidence of visually significant cystoid macular edema associated with the use of latanoprost in patients with glaucoma after cataract surgery.
Patients and methods: This is a multicenter, retrospective study of 185 patients, of whom 173 were pseudophakic (212 eyes) and 12 were aphakic (13 eyes), who were treated for glaucoma with latanoprost 0.005%. The posterior lens capsule was intact in 125 eyes, open or absent as a result of surgery in 25 eyes, and status-post-yttrium-aluminum-garnet capsulotomy in 75 eyes. Visual acuity was documented before and after initiating latanoprost therapy, and patients with a reduction of two or more lines on the Snellen chart were examined by fluorescein angiography for cystoid macular edema.
Results: Visual reduction was documented in four (2.16%) patients. Three of the four patients had cystoid macular edema, and the fourth was thought to have lost a central island of vision from glaucoma. The three patients with cystoid macular edema all had ruptured posterior capsules, requiring anterior vitrectomy, and one had a previous episode of cystoid macular edema 3 years before starting latanoprost therapy.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that visually significant cystoid macular edema associated with latanoprost therapy in pseudophakic or aphakic patients is uncommon. If there is a cause-and-effect relationship between latanoprost therapy and clinically significant cystoid macular edema, the incidence appears to be low.