Assessment of intrarenal doppler signals is of particular importance in screening for renal artery stenosis. We studied the effect of acute ACE-inhibition (1,25 mg enalaprilate i.v.) on intrarenal resistive indices in 10 hypertensive patients with unilateral renal artery stenosis versus 10 patients with essential hypertension. Any changes limited to poststenotic vessels could possibly improve the diagnostic value of duplex sonography. After ACE-inhibition a significant fall of the intrarenal Resistive Index occurred in both patient groups. In cases of unilateral renal artery stenosis we saw a tendency to an increased side difference of the Resistive Index due to a greater fall on the poststenotic side. Therefore a clear advantage of duplex scanning after acute ACE-inhibition due to a limited effect of enalaprilate on poststenotic vessels was not found. The results suggest that the vascular resistance and not only the degree of renal artery stenosis is of significance for the characteristics of the doppler signal.