Magnetic resonance spectroscopy allows investigation of in vivo neurochemical pathology of schizophrenia. "First generation" studies, focusing on phosphorus and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, have suggested alterations in membrane phospholipid metabolism and reductions in N-acetyl aspartate in the frontal and temporal lobes. Some discrepancies remain in the literature, perhaps related to the variations in medication status and phase of illness in the patients examined, as well as in magnetic resonance spectroscopy methodology; the pathophysiologic significance of the findings also remains unclear. Technologic advances in magnetic resonance spectroscopy in recent years have expanded the potential to measure several other metabolites of interest such as the neurotransmitters glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid and macromolecules such as membrane phospholipids and synaptic proteins. Issues of sensitivity, specificity, measurement reliability, and functional significance of the magnetic resonance spectroscopy findings need to be further clarified. The noninvasive nature of magnetic resonance spectroscopy allows longitudinal studies of schizophrenia both in its different phases and among individuals at genetic risk for this illness. Future studies also need to address confounds of prior treatment and illness chronicity, take advantage of current pathophysiologic models of schizophrenia, and be hypothesis driven.