Objective: To describe the short-term changes in CD4 lymphocyte counts after the interruption of antiretroviral HIV therapy in order to increase the understanding of CD4 lymphocyte dynamics, and so that appropriate monitoring strategies can be designed.
Methods: We studied 35 HIV-infected patients with late-stage disease who had therapy interruptions leading to high viral load levels, median greater than 750 000 RNA log10 copies/ml, and in whom two CD4 cell counts (median 28 days apart) were available before beginning a salvage regimen.
Results: Overall, there was a substantial decline in CD4 cell counts from a median of 125 to 83 cells/mm3 in the average 28 day period, with median proportionate and absolute losses of 26% and 24 cells/mm3 per month, respectively (P < 0.008). This tended to be greater in individuals studied sooner after interrupting therapy (P = 0.03) and in those with CD4 cell counts above the pre-therapy baseline (P = 0.06). There was a strong negative correlation between the proportionate increase in viral load and the absolute change in CD4 cell count (-0.66, P = 0.0002).
Conclusion: Patients with relatively advanced HIV infection interrupting antiretroviral therapy after failing a protease inhibitor-containing regimen require frequent monitoring because CD4 cell counts appear to fall quite rapidly, at least in the first few weeks after interruption.