In a search for possible endogenous ligands of nuclear receptors that are activated by peroxisome proliferators (PPARs), a solid phase binding assay was developed employing recombinant mouse PPAR-alpha, containing a myc-epitope, a histidine repeat and a kinase A domain. After in vitro labelling with 32P-gamma-ATP, the binding of purified 32P-PPAR-alpha to a panel of different natural and synthetic lipids, immobilized on silica layers, was evaluated. Autoradiographs of the silica layers revealed binding to two main classes of lipophilic compounds. A first class comprised (poly)unsaturated fatty acids. Compounds belonging to a second class were characterized by the presence of an overall positive charge such as long chain amines, sphingoid bases (sphingenine), and lysoglycosphingolipids (psychosine). PPAR-alpha did not bind to N-acylated sphingoid bases (ceramides) or to sphingenine phosphorylated at the primary hydroxy group (sphingenine-1-phosphate). The binding of PPAR-alpha to sphingoid bases might be of interest given the role of PPAR-alpha and sphingolipids in various cellular processes.