Objectives: Our main objective was to determine the incidence of bronchopulmonary cancer in Extremadura (Spain). We also studied the presence of risk factors such as smoking and exposure to other carcinogens.
Material and methods: This prospective study used a protocol followed by all hospitals in Extremadura; enrolled were patients with a diagnosis of bronchopulmonary carcinoma in 1998 who lived habitually in the region. Cyto-histological confirmation of the diagnosis was sought or, when such confirmation was unavailable, diagnostic agreement among researchers was based on clinical, radiological and/or endoscopic data.
Results: The incidences adjusted to world population were 53.4, 2.16 and 25.3 per 100,000 inhabitants for men, women and the entire population sample, respectively. Patterns in the provinces of Cáceres and Badajoz were very similar. Of 433 cases recorded, 95% were men and 78% were aged 60 years or older. Cyto-histological confirmation of diagnosis was available for 92.2%. Most tumors were epidermoid (41.1%). The time between the start of smoking and diagnosis was significantly shorter in heavier smokers.