The expression of N-RAP was investigated in immuofluorescently stained embryonic chick cardiomyocyte cultures. After 1 day in culture, the cardiomyocytes were spherical and N-RAP, titin, alpha-actinin, and vinculin were all diffusely distributed. As the cardiomyocytes spread and formed myofibrils and cell contacts, N-RAP became localized to distinct areas in the cells. During myofibrillogenesis, N-RAP was found concentrated in premyofibrils. As the premyofibrils transformed into bundles of mature myofibrils, N-RAP became concentrated at the longitundal ends of the cells, and was not found in the mature sarcomeres. At sites of cell-cell contacts, N-RAP was localized to the cell junction even in cells without any significant myofibril formation. As the cell-cell contacts became more extensive and formed structures resembling the intercalated disks found in hearts, N-RAP became even more specifically concentrated at these junctions. The results show that myofibrillogenesis and cell contact formation can each independently target N-RAP to the longitudinal ends of cardiomyocytes.