Purpose: Several treatments are used for the treatment of levator syndrome, such as rectal massage, biofeedback, and galvanic stimulation. But their effects are inconsistent, and multiple treatment sessions are usually required. Triamcinolone acetonide and lidocaine mixture was injected locally into the tenderest point in levator syndrome under the hypothesis that levator syndrome is caused by tendinitis of pelvic floor musculature.
Methods: A mixture of 40 mg of triamcinolone acetonide and 1 ml of 2 percent lidocaine was injected into the tenderest point transanally in 104 patients (33 males; mean age, 51 years) with levator syndrome from December 1996 to May 1998 at Daehang Clinic. Additional injections were repeated at two-week intervals to a maximum of three injections in cases of poor response. Follow-up was performed prospectively concerning patient's perception of pain level using a visual analog scale. Depending on the response, the patients were classified into four groups: pain-free, good, fair, and no response. More than 50 percent pain reduction was classified as "good," and less than 49 percent reduction as "fair."
Results: The injection regions, where the tenderest points were identified on digital rectal compression, were left anterior anal canal in 71.2 percent of patients, right anterior in 3.8 percent of patients, and posterior in 25 percent of patients. The results of treatment were as follows: at three months after injection, response was classified as pain-free in 36.8 percent of patients, good in 35 percent of patients, fair in 19.5 percent of patients, and no response in 8.7 percent of patients; at six months the response was pain-free in 30.1 percent of patients, good in 46.5 percent of patients, fair in 18.2 percent of patients, and no response in 5.2 percent of patients. Most patients, except 8.7 percent at three months and 5.2 percent at six months, experienced treatment benefits. There were no complications during the follow-up periods.
Conclusion: Transanal injection of triamcinolone acetonide and lidocaine mixture into the tenderest point is such a simple, safe, and very effective modality that it can be recommended as a primary therapy for levator syndrome.