The Authors report a case of rupture of the diaphragm in blunt trauma of the abdomen, to examine the more significant features of this condition whose incidence proves to be increasing, after a review of the literature data, parallel to the increase of accidents on the road and at work. They examine the most important pathogenic problems and these related to the mechanism leading to diaphragmatic lesion and they highlight the deeper pathophysiological changes suffered from the patient with such a condition. They draw attention to what they consider to be the most important aspect, and therefore the diagnosis. In fact, in accordance with the various series of cases reported in the literature, it is crucial in the diagnostic problem is when the possible cause of the rupture is suspected and necessary diagnostic cascade (Rx, echotomography, TC) is activated so to highlight the lesion. Therefore a quick diagnostic fitting is necessary for the survival of the acute patient with hernia of the thorax cavity, as well as quick surgical correction of the lesion that, as in the case described, serves to achieve the best possible anatomic-functional results.