The malformations of the central nervous system affect about 5 to 10 children per 1000 births. We studied the central nervous system malformations in 5837 pediatric autopsies performed in the Sector of Anatomic Pathology, Hospital de Clínicas-UFPR, between 1960 and 1995. There were 157 central nervous system malformations (2.69%), the commonest were neural tube defects (61%): 47 cases of anencephaly and 45 cases classified in the group of myeloencephaloceles. The anomalies of the prosencephalic evagination corresponded to 8% of all central nervous system malformations, with seven cases of holoprosencephaly. Posterior fossa malformations occurred in 3%, with three cases of Arnold-Chiari. In the present study, the mortality rate due to central nervous system malformations was higher in the neonatal period.