Purpose: To compare high resolution contrast-enhanced MR angiography (MRA) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in the assessment of supraaortic vessel stenosis.
Methods: 14 patients with suspicion of cerebrovascular disease or upper limb ischemia underwent selective DSA and high resolution contrast enhanced MRA employing a new Panoramic-Array coil. Stenosis assessment in comparison to DSA followed NASCET criteria. Additionally signal-/noise ratios (SNR) were evaluated to assess contrast enhancement.
Results: Diagnostic image quality was achieved in all patients. Sensitivity and specificity for assessing high-grade stenosis of the supraaortic vessels were 100% and 96% respectively. In the assessment of high-grade common or internal carotid artery stenosis sensitivity and specificity was 100%.
Conclusion: High resolution contrast enhanced supraaortic MRA combined with new coil systems allow for a reliable assessment of stenoses along the whole vessel course including the aortic arch. Previous stent procedures limit its use in postinterventional follow-up.