Car-R (carcinogenesis-resistant) and Car-S (carcinogenesis-susceptible) outbred mice, obtained by phenotypic selection from an initial intercross of eight inbred strains, show a >100-fold difference in their susceptibility to two-stage skin tumorigenesis. We found that the lines carry a high degree of genetic polymorphism. with an average heterozygosity of 0.39. This polymorphism allowed the use of linkage disequilibrium (LD) and haplotype analysis for the mapping of a skin cancer modifier locus on Chr 7, in a short region of 6 cM, around the Tyr gene. Car-S mice inherited the susceptibility allele at this locus from the A/J, BALB/c, SJL/J, and SWR/J strains. Our results demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of mapping disease genes by LD in phenotypically selected, genetically heterogeneous animals.